Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans
North Texas Chapter

Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans North Texas Chapter
"Only the dead have seen the end of war"......Plato

North Texas Chapter Information

Who We Are
Our Chapter Officers
Our Members
Our Memorial to Our Members Who Have Passed
Our Members Families Still Serving
State TAVV Board Members
Other TAVV Chapters
TAVV Constitution
TAVV By-Laws
TAVV Application Form
Our Chapter Newsletter
Newsletter Archive
Order of the Silver Rose
Upcoming Events

Our Fallen.....

The True Cost of War
Wichita County
Surrounding Counties
The Rest of Texas
North of the Red
The Rest of Oklahoma
In Operation Desert Storm
In Operation Enduring Freedom
In Operation Iraqi Freedoom
In Operation New Dawn

Our Missing......

Wichita and Surrounding Counties
The Rest of Texas
North of the Red
The Rest of Oklahoma
In Operation Desert Storm
In Operation Enduring Freedom
In Operation Iraqi Freedom
In Operation New Dawn

Hear Our Voices

My Name is Old Glory
Hear Our Voices
Can You Hear Me Now?
I'll Take It From Here
A Poem for Veterans Day 2002, by a Vet
10 Things You Should Know BEFORE You Protest about Iraq
A Soldier Died Today
A Letter to the Dixie Chicks
"Father of War"
Letter from a US Navy Corpsman
A Letter to Terrorist from a US Navy Pilot
The Things That Make A Soldier Great
Forgotten Soldiers
God, Are You Real?
A Tribute to Veterans

Important Web Links For All Veterans

TAVVNTC does not endorse nor guarantee the content of these listed organizations. To learn more about an organization, click on the links below. In doing so, you will be leaving the TAVVNTC website, therefore, TAVVNTC IS NOT responsible for their content...

Veterans and Substance Abuse: The Many Sides of the Problem
Fund your business
The Texas Veterans Commission
The Texas Vietnam Veterans Memorial
The Ultimate Guide to Strength Sports for Veterans
Smoking Among Veterans – Why Is It So Prevalent?
We Support Veterans by Providing Free Legal Forms Online
The Virtual Wall - Vietnam Veterams Memorial. Search Our Fallen in Many Ways
Veterans Assisted Living Assessment and Benefits
Assisted Living Benefits for Veterans
Alcoholism in Veterans
Courage-Cords, Parachute Cord Braclets made for Vets by Vets
Mesothelioma Doctors
The Mesothelioma Association
PTSD and Sleep
A Veteran's Guide to Starting and Financing a Small Business
Mesothelioma.com: Veterans & Mesothelioma - Important Links for Veterans with Mesothelioma
Facts vs Fiction: The Truth About the Vietnam War
Mesothelioma Symptoms
National Resource Directory for Wounded and Injured Soldiers
American Management Association
Vet Friends, Reconnect With Your Old Veteran & Military Friends
Project Jody, A Cadence for Life
Oklahoma City VA Hospital Phone Numbers
Wounded Warrior Project
Gulf War Veterans Illnesses
Request Copies of Military Personnel Records
Military Report - The Military's Largest Benefits Update
The Vietnam War Resource Guide
Veteran to Veteran
Information Technology (IT) Training & Career Resources for Veterans
Gateway to VA Health and Benefits
Vietnam Veterans Counseling Service
Granite Recovery Centers
The Vision Center - Eye Care & Health
Alcohol Rehabilitation Help
We Honor Veterans
A Veteran’s Guide to Starting a Small Business
Defense POW-MIA Accounting Command
Many Women Served in Vietnam
Masters in Public Administration Programs
Women Vietnam Vets - You Are Not Forgotten
Military and Veterans Links
Substance Abuse Resources for Veterans
Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Veterans Drug Helpline
Find Your Buddies
Accredited Schools Online
Free Resumé Proof Reading For Vets
A Resumé Builder that is Easy as Pie
Mental Health Issues Affecting Students in College and High School
Retirement Living Information Center
Degrees in Computer Science
Effects of Drug Addiction on Oral Health
Recovery Village Palm Beach
American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.
Gold Star Wives of America
Comparison of Rank Structure Between the Armed Services
Continuing Education Resources for Veterans
Veterans Employment Toolkit
Vietnam Veterans Children's Support Program
Agent Orange
Alcohol Effects, Addiction Treatment, and Resouces
Get Hired in Healthcare: An Online Guide for Student Veterans
College Financial Aid: Soldiers, Veterans, and Their Families
Additional Links for Veterans

Other Items of Interest

Vietnam: Ethnicity, Casualties, and Troop Strengths
America At War
A Long Time Ago, in a Land Far Far Away.....
Terminology of the Vietnam War
Vietnam Pocket Guide
Comparision of Rank Structure Between the Armed Services
Military-Friendly Online Colleges & Universities

For More Information

Our Meetings are held at:
B.P.O. Elks Lodge, #1105 4205 Seymour Highway
Wichita Falls, Texas 76309

For Information Phone: 940-720-2915

The Webmaster is a proud member of:
The International Webmasters Association
E-Mail: Webmaster

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view some of the documents available on the North Texas Chapter of the TAVV Page. This format is used to help share documents without the need to buy expensive software. To download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, which allows you to view and print Adobe documents, just click on the Adobe Icon below.

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Special Items of Interest

Share Our Memories

Click here to see Vietnam as our Veterans did. In their own pictures of a land far, far away.

Special Notice

For anyone who has a Texas disabled veteran license plate please note: Texas has revised the law regarding their use. Effectine January 1, 2023, NO ONE's vehicle with these plates may park in ANY handicapped parking space, unless the vehicle has a disabled placcard on the rearview mirror or the international wheel chair symbol on their license plate. The standard DV Plate can NO LONGER park is these spaces. There are NO exceptions. Any vehicle not abiding by this revision WILL BE TICKETED. SORRY TO ALL VETS, BUT THAT IS THE LAW NOW.....

New Military & Dependent I.D. Cards

All branches of the military are informing retirees and dependents that they MUST obtain the new DOD I.D. Card ASAP. This program was begun last year, but suspended due to the pandemic. It has begun again but due to shortages you MUST make an appointment and CANNOT just walk-in to obtain the new card. To schedule an appoitment, call 940-676-4314 Mon-Fri. CBPO (Consolidated Base Personnel Office), 82nd FSS/FSMPS Customer Support, located at 426 Tuskegee Airman Ave., Building 404, Sheppard AFB, Texas 76311. If you DO NOT obtain the new card by January 2026, your old card will be confiscated at the entry gate.

Oklahoma City VA Phone Numbers

Click here to see a list of Clinic phone numbers at the Oklahoma City VA Hospital Center.

Order of the Silver Rose

Click here for information and application to become a member of thr Order of the Silver Rose. Read about this organization, their goals, and an application to apply for membership.

Need A Ride to Next Appointment

Click here to learn some rules and places to get a ride to your next appointment.

The Memorial to Our Sisters Who Also Served

You Have Been Visitor Number

Free Website Counter

This website last updated October 1, 2024. Check back often as we post the latest news as we receivied it.

A long time ago in a land far, far away.....

This site is to honor the veterans of the Vietnam War, and the memory of the more than 58,000 of our brothers and sisters who never came home. We also want to honor and pay tribute to all veterans from all wars. It is to them, to those that paid the ultimate price, and those that are still missing and still serving, that we dedicate this web site.

Enjoy your freedom?

Then thank a vet. They are the ones who have paid for it....... ALWAYS REMEMBER: "A veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check, up to and including their life, made payable to 'The United States of America'".

Brothers Forever

And just in case no one has told you yet, "Welcome Home. We're proud of you."

Today is:

"If you are able, save for them a place inside of you, and save one backward glance when you are leaving for the places they can no longer go. Be not ashamed to say you loved them, though you may or may not have always.

Take what they have left and what they have taught you with their dying, and keep it with your own. And in that time when men decide and feel safe to call the war insane, take one moment to embrace those gentle heroes you left behind."

Major Michael O'Donnell,
January 1, 1970, Dak To, Vietnam.

O'Donnell, a helicopter pilot, was declared Missing In Action on March 24, 1970, during a rescue attempt. His remains were returned in 1995, and identified in 2001.

"Let every nation know,
whether it wishes us well or ill,
that we shall pay any price,
bear any burden,
meet any hardship,
support any friend,
oppose any foe,
to assure the survival
and the success of liberty."

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
From His Inaugural Address
January 20, 1961

"Meeting Schedule"

Association meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m., at the B.P.O. Elks Lodge, #1105, 4205 Seymour Highway, Wichita Falls, Texas 76309

Come Out and Join Us.

Sign OurGuestbook

Our Guestbook

Read Our Guestbook

"Help Find Our Missing Children"



The haunting and somber melody playing in the background is "Adagio For Strings" by Samuel Barber. This sad yet unforgettable melody was chosen as the theme for the 1986 Academy Award Winning film Platoon.
©2003-2024 North Texas Chapter of the Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans
All Rights Reserved