Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans |
As webmaster, I have made every attempt to put suggested links for veterans on our main page. However, I have gotten so many suggested links I can no longer post them to the main page, or even a single Links Page for lack of space. Therefore, I have created another three pages, Links 2, Links 3, and Links 4. I may have to add even more if the flood of links keeps coming. TAVVNTC provides these links solely for informational purposes and convenience to our visitors. TAVVNTC does not endorse or guarantee the content, products, or services of these listed organizations. To learn more about an organization, click on the links below. In doing so, you will be leaving the TAVVNTC website, therefore, TAVVNTC IS NOT responsible for their content. All I ask is that you review the links already listed to insure that yours is not already there. We DO NOT POST Blogs. PLEASE, PLEASE. IF YOU SEND ME A SUGGESTED LINK, PLEASE INCLUDE A CORRECT AND LEGITAMITE EMAIL ADDRESS, SO I CAN TELL YOU IF AND WHEN YOU'RE SITE IS LISTED. I AM REALLY GETTING TIRED HAVING THEM BOUNCE BACK AS UNDELIVERABLE, THEN GETTING AN EMAIL WONDERING WHY I DID NOT REPLY.