Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans
North Texas Chapter

Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans North Texas Chapter

Other Items of Interest

A Long Time Ago, in a Land Far Far Away.....
Terminology of the Vietnam War
The Traveling Wall Here for 2nd Time
Special Olympics
Previous Parades
When the Wall Came the 1st Time
Our Annual Luau, 2002
Airmen's Attic Dinner, March 2003
Our Pool Party, 2002
Welcome Home for Troops Back From Iraq, March 2004
Support Our Troops Rally in Wichita Falls
Support Our Troops Rally in Graham
Our Christmas Parties
Christmas In April
Visits to Local Schools
Memorial Day
Miscellaneous Pics

Helping the Young with History

The Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans, North Texas Chapter takes pride in visiting local schools and colleges to help provide historical insight into the world of the veteran and their experiences. Additionally, we are so very proud to be honored by our young people and hope to instill in them the sense of pride in country and honor that our parents have instilled in us.

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