By-Laws of the
Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans Chapters
Section 1 - Eligibility
1.1 Regular Member.
Any veterans of decent character who serviced in-country Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, or on surrounding waters or airspace shall be eligible for Regular membership. Proof of service should be in the form of a DD-214. At least seventy-five percent (75%) of all members must be composed of Regular members.
1.2 Associate Member.
Vietnam Era veterans, their spouses or family members or other Veterans or individuals may be accepted for membership in each chapter. Associate Membership cannot exceed twenty five percent (25%) of any chapter's membership. Associate membership is not required, but is a chapter option.
1.3 Honorarium Membership.
Honorarium membership is available to persons who donate funds, volunteers for certain tasks and help with approved activities of the TAVV without attending general membership meeting or assumption of other responsibilities. Honorarium membership will not be subject to any dues or fees.
Section 2 - Applications
2.1. Membership.
Every application for admission to Membership shall be in writing. Applications for Regular Membership must be accompanied by proof of service as required in Section 1. Regular membership in more than one Chapter at one time is prohibited.
Section 3 - Election of Chapter Members
3.1 Member.
After the applicant has submitted a completed application and Chapter dues, the Chapter President will read the application to the membership present at a regular meeting. Unless a Regular member request
4.1 Dues.
Each Chapter shall fix the annual dues to be paid by its members. A member who has paid their dues to December 31 is in good standing and ceases to be in good standing January 1 immediately following the year for which the dues were paid. A member not in good standing shall forfeit all membership rights and shall not be allowed to vote at a meeting.
Section 1 - Formation.
1.1 Chapters.
Not less than seven (7) persons eligible for Regular membership in the TAVV may form a Chapter. The request for establishing a new Chapter must be submitted in writing to the State President. Upon the receipt of such request the State President will arrange a meeting with representatives of the proposed chapter and at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors
present at the meeting will submit their recommendations for acceptance or rejection to the remaining members of the Board of Directors. A majority vote of the Board of Directors will recommend or rejection of the proposed chapter to the Standing Committee. A Majority vote of the Standing Committee will decide acceptance or rejection of the proposed chapter. In the
event of a tie vote the State President will cast the deciding vote for acceptance or rejection of the proposed chapter.
1.2 Dues.
Chapter dues shall be paid annually to the State Board each January of the New Year. These dues will be in the amount of $50.00 per chapter per year until further changed by a majority vote of the State Board of Directors and its Standing Committee.
1.3 Chapter Obligations.
1. Each Chapter shall pay annually $50.00 in dues to the State Board.
2. Each Chapter shall have a separate TAVV bank account and used for the TAVV Chapter purposes only.
3. Each Chapter shall submit annually to the State Board, a chapter membership list, Complete with member address and phone number, and a chapter Paid member list.
4. Each Chapter shall provide to the TAVV State Secretary a Chapter Officers Roster, complete with name, title, address, and pone number.
5. Each Chapter shall provide to the TAVV State Secretary a notice of regular monthly meetings to include the date, time, and location of the meeting.
6. Each TAVV Chapter will be subject to a financial audit.
7. Each TAVV Chapter shall have a representative at All State Board Meetings. This member will be at least one State Representative other than a State Officer.
8. Chapters cannot create their own by-laws.
Section 2 - Meetings.
2.1 Meeting.
Chapter shall hold at least one meeting each month. The day and time for each meeting shall be established or changed by a majority vote of the embers present at any regular or special meeting. Two regular members offices constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The State President will be notified of any changes of a regular meeting. The Chapter President shall call a special meeting of the Chapter
whenever in his/her opinion it is necessary for the welfare of the Chapter. A Chapter President will call a special meeting upon written request from six (6) Regular Members or upon the majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting. No Chapter will change its meeting place except upon a majority of its members present at a regular meeting. The Chapter President, Member-At-Large, and three (3) elected
Regular members will represent the Chapter at all properly called State Meeting. At least two (2) of the three (3) elected members shall be in-country Regular members.
2.2 Delegate.
One State Representative/Delegate from each TAVV Chapter is required to attend the State Board Meeting. This member is in addition to the State Board Officers.
Section 3 - Change of Name.
3.1 Name.
A chapter may not change its name to a name already adopted by another chapter.
Section 4 - Elected Officers, Chairman, Committees.
4.1 Chapter.
The elective officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, Member-At-Large, Master-At-Arms, and Quartermaster. The office's of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Member-At-Large, and Master-At-Arms must be in-country Regular Member. The term of office shall be for One year beginning January 1 and ending December 31 or under their successors are elected and qualified. Appointed officers and appointed committee chairman shall hold office during the tenure of and at the pleasure of the Chapter President. An elected office, appointed officer, or appointed committee chairman must remain in good standing in the Chapter, otherwise he
forfeits the office and the office shall be vacant. Each Chapter will elect five (5) members to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will serve for two (2) years opposite the State Officers. The five members who are elected to serve as member of the Board of Directors's three (3) must be in-country Regular Members, two (2) members will be Associate Members.
Section 5 - Duties and Responsibilities.
5.1 President.
1. Preside at all Chapter meetings.
2. Appoint and terminate all Chapter committees.
3. Conduct Chapter business and activities in such a manner that they do not violate any applicable governmental law or ordinance nor bring or tend to bring discredit or embarrassment upon the Chapter, its members or the Board of Directors of the TAVV.
4. Assure that the office of the Treasurer is bonded as directed by the State Treasurer.
5. Approve and oversee all Chapter expenditures prior to dispensing of funds and countersign all checks for disbursement of said funds.
6. Ensure the Chapter maintains the necessary liability insurance coverage.
7. Assure that he/she or his/her representative attends all properly called State Meetings.
8. Comply with and perform all of the duties required by the laws and usage's of this organization.
5.2 Vice-President.
1. Preside at meeting of the Chapter in the absence of the President.
2. Perform other such duties as delegated to him/her by the President.
3. Serve as Chairman of the Membership Committee and assure those eligible persons are encouraged to join and maintain active membership.
5.3 Secretary.
1. Keep minutes of the proceedings of the membership meeting and the Executive Board meetings for the chapter.
2. Maintain a current record of the names and addresses of the members of entitled to vote.
3. Maintain a file containing proof of eligibility for Regular membership status and verify the eligibility of all candidates for office.
4. Prepare all reports required of him/her.
5. Ensure minutes from the previous meeting are prepared for reading at the next Subsequent meeting. Furnish the President with a copy of such minutes.
6. Maintain necessary correspondence and letter files as directed by the President. Maintain current chapter mailing list as directed by the President.
5.4 Treasurer.
1. Treasurer will be bonded in an amount to be determined on annual basis by the Board of Directors and the Standing Committee.
2. Collect all dues, acknowledge receipt thereof and maintain complete records of accounts for all funds for all funds paid to him/her and paid out by him/her on account in the name of the Chapter of TAVV.
3. Expend monies only after the Chapter has authorized payment by motion made and passed at a meeting of the Chapter.
4. Furnish the Secretary monthly reports of transactions which have taken place during the calendar month and shall be due in the Secretary's office not later than the tenth working day of the following month.
5. Maintain a checking account in the name of the Chapter.
6. Maintain the books and records at all times in a neat and efficient manner. Books and records shall be available for inspection by the State Officers as well as any member in the Chapter.
7. Serve as Treasurer of all Chapter committees. Assistant Treasurer may be appointed by the President in to assist in fund raising projects.
8. Deliver to successor in office, within seven (7) days all books, records, voucher, Monies, and securities in his/her possession or under his/her control.
5.5 Chaplain.
1. Visit or call sick or disabled member of the Chapter and make report to the Chapter concerning the same.
2. Provide to the membership time for meditation accorded to the Invocation.
3. Benediction parts of the regular monthly meeting.
4. Perform other such duties as are usually incident to the office.
Section 7 - Removal of Individual Members.
7.1 Removal.
No member shall have his/her membership terminated or suspended unless such member is advised in writing of the charges and proposed action against him/her and afforded the opportunity to be heard by the Standing Committee of the member's chapter.
Section 8 - Recognized Offenses.
8.1 Offenses.
1. False representation or deliberate concealment eligibility to Regular membership or knowingly or permitting ineligible persons to become Regular members.
2. Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline or conduct unbecoming a member in his/her relations with other members or the TAVV.
3. Preparing or signing any false record or other official document of the TAVV knowing it to be false or making any other official statement with the intent to deceive.
4. Willfully of thorough neglect damaging, destroying, selling, losing, wrongfully using, or otherwise disposing of money or other property belonging to the TAVV.
5. Willful disobedience or disregard of By-Laws, rules and regulations of the Chapter of which the member should have reasonable knowledge.
6. Notion of the proposed disciplinary action will be given to Chapter Member-At-Large who will immediately notify the Chapter President or the next Senior Officer if the Chapter President is not available within a reasonable time. The Chapter President or the next Senior Officer will notify the Member at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting of the Chapter Standing Committee hearing. The Chapter President may notify the member in person, or by registered or certified mail addressed to the Member's
last known address, of the charges and the date and time of the disciplinary hearing. In the event the member fails to respond, the Chapter Standing Committee may determine andy penalty deemed appropriate by a majority vote of the Chapter Standing Committee. The Chapter President will notify the Member personally or in writing of the action taken. Any Member against whom disciplinary action is taken may appeal to the Chapter Standing Committee. Such appeal must be made within ten (10) days any action taken
by the Chapter Standing Committee will be final.
Section 9 - Penalties for Offenses Shall.
9.1 Penalties.
1. Termination of membership in the TAVV.
2. Suspension from membership for a specific period of time.
3. Suspension of certain rights or privileges for a specified period of time.
4. Reprimand.
Section 1 - Elected Officers; Chairman and Committees.
1.1 State.
The elective State Officers shall be a President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, Master-At-Arms, and a Member-At-Large. The term of office shall be for two (2) years. The State Officers will be elected from those members of the Board of Directors and Standing Committee. Nominations for the State Officers will be held the first regular scheduled meeting after the 1st of the year and the 2nd meeting of the year. The elected State Officers will assume their duties the 1st
meeting of the next year. Appointed Officers and appointed committee chairman shall hold office during the tenure and at the pleasure of the appointing officer. An elected, appointed officer, or appointed committee chairman must remain in good standing in their respective Chapter. By virtue of their office as an elected State Officer, such members holding a State Office must participate in their respective Chapter functions and attend regularly scheduled Chapter meeting. State Officers must attend all regularly
scheduled State Meetings and State Special Meeting called by the State President. The State President must be notified in advance if a State Officer is unable to attend. Such absence must be to a reasonable cause. The State Officers will act as the Grievance Committee for the TAVV to resolve issues within a Chapter, which cannot be resolved at the Chapter level.
Section 2 - Meeting.
2.1 State Meeting.
Regular State meeting will be conducted twice annually the month, date, and place will be picked by the State President. The State President may call for a special meeting whenever, his/her opinion; it is necessary for the welfare of the TAVV. The location of the regularly scheduled meetings will rotate among the Chapters. The minimum number required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business shall be a majority of the Chapters in the State. A member of the Board of Directors of the Standing Committee may
assign a proxy vote as prescribed in the TAVV Constitution.
Section 3 - Duties and Responsibilities.
3.1 President.
1. Preside over all regular and special State meetings.
2. The State President may act as or appoint the Registered Agent with Secretary of State of the State of Texas. (The Registered Agent is the point-of-contact for the organization with the State of Texas.)
3. Appoint and terminate all State committees.
4. Conduct State business and activities in such a manner that they do not violate any applicable governmental law or ordinance nor bring nor tend to bring discredit or embarrassment upon the TAVV, its members or the State Board.
5. Oversee the expansion of the TAVV and act as a spokesman to perspective proposed chapters.
6. Approve and oversee all State expenditures prior to dispensing of funds and countersign all checks for disbursement of said funds.
7. Ensure the Chapters maintain adequate insurance.
8. Comply with and perform all of the duties require by laws and usage's of this organization the provisions of these by-laws pertaining to duties and obligations of the State President perform such duties as are usually incident to the office.
3.2 1st Vice-President.
1. Preside at the State meeting in the absence of the State President.
2. Perform other such duties as delegated to him/her by the President.
3.3 2nd Vice-President.
1. Preside at the State meeting in the absence of the State President.
2. Perform other such duties as delegated to him/her by the President.
3.4 Secretary.
1. Keep minutes of the proceedings of all State Meetings.
2. Maintain a current record of the names and addresses of the Chapter representatives entitled to vote at the State meetings.
3. Verify the eligibility of all candidates for State office.
4. Prepare all reports required of him.
5. Maintain inventory of all State Board property.
6. Ensure minutes from the previous meeting are prepared for reading at the subsequent State Board meeting. Furnish to the State President a copy of such minutes at least one week prior to said meeting.
3.5 Treasurer.
1. Maintain and oversee uniform system of financial records and reports to be utilized by all Chapters.
2. Maintain complete records of accounts for all funds paid to the Treasurer on account in the name of the TAVV.
3. Expend monies only after proper authorization by the State Officers.
4. Maintain a checking account in the name of the State Board.
5. Make books and records available for inspection by the State Officers and any member of the State Board of Directors.
6. Deliver to his/her successor in office, within two (2) weeks of vacating said office, all books, records, vouchers, monies, and securities in his/her possession or under his/her control.
3.6 Chaplain.
1. Provide to the members present at the State meetings a time of meditation according to the Invocation and Benediction of the State Board meeting.
2. Assist the Chaplains of each Chapter as necessary for the well being of the organization members.
3. Conduct a Memorial service in conjunction with each State meeting.
4. Perform other such duties as are usually incident to the office or as directed by the State President.
3.7 Master-At-Arms & Member-At-Large.
1. Maintain order at all regular membership meetings and activities.
2. He/she may summon help from the membership when required and may contact local when deemed necessary to keep the peace.
3. Contact emergency medical and fire department assistance if needed.
4. Perform other such duties as may be usually incident to office.
5. Act as chief liasion between the members and the Elective Officers.
Section 4 - Vacancies and Removal of Elective Officers.
4.1 Vacancy.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of the State President or President-elect, the 1st Vice-President or 1st Vice-President-elect, 2nd Vice-President or 2nd Vice-President-elect shall at once, and without further formality, succeed to the next title. The State President shall appoint, in the event of a vacancy of a State Officer, a Regular Member from the Standing Committee or the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy and hold such office until the next scheduled election.
The Board of Directors and the Standing Committee may by a majority vote of the members present at a Regular or Special meeting declare the position vacant of any elected State Officer, who has absented himself or herself without reasonable cause, from a State meeting or who has failed to fulfill the duties of the office as specified in Artile III, Section 3, of the by-laws. The State President may, with concurrence of the Board of Directors, declare vacant the position of any
State Officer who fails to fulfill the duties of his/her office as specified. Any State Officer whose position is vacated under the provisions of this section may appeal such decision to the State Board of Directors.
Section 5 - Board of Directors.
5.1 Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall consist of those persons listed in the Articles of Incorporation, or their replacements, whose main purpose will be to oversee the expansion ofr the TAVV and to review appeals and proposals submitted by the Standing Committe of a TAVV Chapter President whenever local officers fail to resolve the issue. A member of the Board of Directors may resign his/her position by submitting their resignation in writing to the Board of Directors and it shall be
accepted. Board members must reside in the State of Texas and new Board members may be appointed when vacacines occur by a majority vote of those who remain on the Board of Directors. Three State Officers and One State Board of Directors member from a majority of the Chapters shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In person meetings are not required and telephone conference calls are specifically authorized. All members of the Board of Directors and the
Standing Committee shall be the governing body of the TAVV and shall be responsible for the general policies and programs during the intervals between State meetings of the TAVV, as authorized by the Board of Directors. Each Chapter will elect three (3) in-country Regular members to serve as members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will serve for two (2) years opposite the State Officers.
Section 6 - Standing Committee.
6.1 Standing Committee.
The Standing Committee shall consist of, as designated members, the Chapter President and the Chapter Member-At-Large from each Chapter. Additionally, up to three (3) members will be elected to the Standing Committee annually from the membership at large. At least two (2) of the voting members must be in-country Regular members.
Section 7 - Incurring Obligations.
7.1 Incurring Obligations.
No obligation against any of the assets of the TAVV shall be created or incurred by any member without the authorization, in advance, by the Board of Directors. No obligation of indebtedness against future assests of the TAVV shall be entered into, without the authorization, in advance, by the Board of Directors. Any obligation against assets or indebtedness against future assets authorized byh the State Board of Directors must in writing and voted on by the Standing Committee at a Regular or Special meeting.
Section 8 - Membership to State.
8.1 Membership.
An in-country regular Vietnam Veteran who wishes to be a TAVV member but do not wish to be a member of a Chapter, can pay $15.00 per year and be a member-at-large with the State TAVV. This is to help get more members in State that we do not have Chapters near the person.
Section 9 - Use of Name.
9.1 Name.
The name TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF VIETNAM VETERANS (TAVV) INCORPORATED may be used only with the approval of the Board of Directors; or with such restrictions as the Board of Directors may establish.
Section 10 - Amendments.
10.1 Amendments.
These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors and the Standing Committee at any regular or special called meeting. The proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Regular membership of each Chapter at least sixty (60) days before the deadline for voting in order to review the proposed change and to vote on the Proposed amendment. The Standing Committee members will vote according to the majority vote of their Chapter.