E1, E2, ETC.: Enlisted men's pay grades. They ran from E-1 "Trainee" to E-9 for senior Sergeants.
Eagle Llights: Large air assault of helicopters.
EARLY OUTS: A drop or reduction in time in service. A soldier with 150 days or less remaining on his active duty commitment when he DEROSed from Vietnam also ETSed from the army under the Early Out program.
ECHO: Military phonetic for the letter "E"
ECM: Electronic countermeasures, such as jamming, deception, and detection.
EGG BEATER: Affectionate name for a "Huey" or any helicopter.
ELD: USCG Explosive Loading Detachment. They supervised the off loading of all the ammo in Vietnam.
ELEPHANT GRASS: Tall, sharp-edged grass found in the highlands of Vietnam.
ELINT: Electronic intelligence.
EM: Enlisted man.
ENSIGN: Entry level officer rank in the Navy and Coast Guard. Equivalent to a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army or Air Force. Insignia is a single gold bar.
EOD: Explosive ordinance disposal. A team that disarms explosive devices.
ET: Electronics technicians.
E-TOOL: Entrenching tool. Folding shovel carried by infantrymen.
ETS: Date of departure for overseas duty station; estimated time of separation from military service.
EVAC or EVAC'D: See also "Dust Off" and "Medevac."
EXFIL: Exfiltrate, exfiltration--sneak out/pick up/extract personnel; point of exit from an AO.
EXPECTANTS: Classification of casualties who are expected to die.
EXTRACTION: Voluntary or involuntary withdrawal by air of troops from any operational area via helicopter.