Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans
North Texas Chapter

Texas Association of Vietnam Veterans North Texas Chapter

Other Items of Interest

A Long Time Ago, in a Land Far Far Away.....
Terminology of the Vietnam War
The Traveling Wall Here for 2nd Time
Special Olympics
Previous Parades
When the Wall Came the 1st Time
Our Annual Luau, 2002
Airmen's Attic Dinner, March 2003
Our Pool Party, 2002
Welcome Home for Troops Back From Iraq, March 2004
Support Our Troops Rally in Wichita Falls
Support Our Troops Rally in Graham
Our Christmas Parties
Christmas In April
Visits to Local Schools
Memorial Day
Miscellaneous Pics

"Terminology of the Vietnam War"



I & I: Intoxication and intercourse. This term was used in lieu of R & R.

I CORPS: Northernmost military region in South Vietnam. Also known as "Eye" Corps. One of the four major military and administrative units of the Vietnamese government.

II CORPS: Central Highlands military region in South Vietnam.

III Corps: The densely populated, fertile military region between Saigon and the Highlands.

IV Corps: The marshy Mekong Delta southernmost military region.

IG: Inspector General.

ILLUM: Illumination. Flares dropped by aircraft and fired from the ground by hand,

IMMERSION FOOT: Condition resulting from feet being submerged in water for a prolonged period of time, causing cracking and bleeding.

IN COUNTRY: Vietnam.

IN THE FIELD: Any forward combat area or any area outside of a town or base camp.

INCOMING: Receiving enemy mortar or rocket fire.

INCREMENTS: Removable charges attached to mortar fins. If they become wet, the mortar round misfires and falls short.

INDIA: Military phonetic for the letter 'I'.

INDIGENOUS PERSONNEL: The local people. The people in whose country a war is taking place.

INSERT, INSERTED OR INSERTION: To be deployed into a tactical area by helicopter

INTEL: Intelligence.

IP: Instructor pilot.

IR-8 and IR-5 Rice: More popularly known as "Miracle Rice." Two strains of rice, developed by the U.S. in the Philippines, that CORDS personnel tried to get South Vietnamese farmers to use. Tasted slightly different than standard "paddy rice" but had more yield per crop, more crops per growing season, and were less likely to be lost to flooding. The increased use of this rice was part of the eighth pacification = program objective of 1969.

IRON TRIANGLE: Viet Cong dominated area between the Thi-Tinh and Saigon rivers, next to Cu Chi district. Isolated by the Annamese mountain chain and bordered by Laos to the west and the demilitarized Zone to the north, Hue was without access to a major port for resupply. Still, before the Tet Offensive, Hue was considered secure for South Vietnam. That all ended on January 31, 1968.

IRREGULARS: Armed individuals and groups not members of the regular armed forces, police, or other internal security forces.

JAG: Judge advocate general, the legal department of the Armed Services.

JESUS NUT: Main rotor retaining nut that holds the main rotor onto the rest of the helicopter!!!! If it came off, only Jesus could help you.

JET JOCKEY: Air Force fighter pilot

JINK: Air Force term for turning hard to avoid enemy fire or detection.

JODY: The person who wins your lover or spouse away while you are in the Nam. From the marching song or cadence count, "Ain't no use in goin' home / Jody's got your girl and gone / sound off...."

JOHN WAYNE: Nickname for the P38 can opener found in C-Rations, also, cookie which comes in C-rats.. Also used as a verb to describe the actions of someone who exposes himself to danger. e: can opener.

JOLLY GREEN GIANT: An Air Force HH-53 heavy rescue helicopter, with two giant rotars, on in front and the other in the rear. Also used to denote a heavily armed air force C-47 aircraft supporting troops.

JULIET: Military phonetic for the letter 'J'.

JUNGLE BOOTS: Footwear that looks like a combination of combat boot and canvas sneaker used by the U.S. military in a tropical climate, where leather rots because of the dampness. The canvas structure also speeds drying after crossing streams, rice paddies, etc.

JUNGLE UTILITIES OR JUNGLE FATIGUES: Lightweight tropical fatigues. They came in the standard olive drab (OD) shade or in various camouflage configurations.

JUSPAO: Joint United States Public Affairs Office.

JVC: Victor Company of Japan, a Japanese electronics company, like Sony.